How to Help Stray and Homeless Cats in Your Community
What to do when you find a homeless stray cat—or you need to find a good home for your cat.
While some stray cats are abandoned by their human families, many are lost. A little detective work will help determine if the stray you’ve found is abandoned or lost and what your next steps should be. Meanwhile, keep the cat separated from your other pets to prevent the spread of any unknown diseases.
Is the cat lost? Is the animal in good condition, well fed, clean, easy to approach? Is he wearing collar or I.D. tags? Most pet owners don't use collars and tags on their cats. If the stray has tags, notify the owner from this information. The issuer of a rabies or city license tag, whose telephone number is usually on the tag, can also give you the owner's name, address and phone number.
If the cat doesn't have any identification: Some animal welfare organizations use tattoos for identification. Check inside the ears, the abdomen or leg for a tattoo. If the cat has a tattoo, contact a vet or the local humane society, where they can tell you what organization originally tattooed the animal. They may have records of the owner or adopter.
Ask a vet to scan the cat for a microchip, call your local animal shelters and humane societies—some have lost and found services.
Put up “found” signs in the neighborhood where you found the cat, and at vet offices, grocery stores, pet stores, groomers and shopping areas. Include a photo if possible. Watch for “lost” signs. Place a “found” ad in your local newspapers—many papers will run these ads free. Check the paper daily for “lost” ads that may describe the cat. Check with children in your neighborhood. They are great resources.
If you get a response from your ads, be careful. Reselling animals for research, baiting fighting or racing dogs and as breeders for puppy and kitten “mills” are thriving industries. An unscrupulous animal broker may put on a well- polished act as a concerned pet owner who's lost a beloved companion. Ask for identification. When someone calls in response to an ad or posted notice, ask for his name and phone number and call him back, as a precaution. Ask for a detailed description of the animal. An owner should be able to give you details not mentioned in your ad. Watch for the animal's reaction when the owner arrives. A reunion of human and animal companions has a distinctive feel to it. Ask for veterinary record, photos, etc.
If you have no response from these steps, you can safely assume that the cat is truly homeless.
What if the stray is sick or hurt? You should take the animal to a vet. If the animal's injuries are too severe, the vet may consider euthanasia. It is better for the animal to die a humane death than to suffer a slow and painful death.
What next? Should you keep the cat? If you decide to provide a home for the cat yourself, don't expose you animals to the stray until you know it's in good health. Keep the animal separated from the other animals. Your first step is to take her to a vet for a complete exam. The vet can tell you the cat's approximate age, physical condition and sex. The vet can also let you know what vaccination and diet the cat needs and when to have it neutered or spayed. It is a good idea to take a fresh stool sample along with you to be checked for internal parasites.
What should you do if you cannot keep the cat, or you need a home for your cat? If you can't keep the cat, don't assume the local humane society or shelter can find a good home for it. Millions of healthy adult cats and kittens are euthanized because there are not enough homes for all of them.
To find the best possible home for the cat, plan on doing the work yourself. Give yourself plenty of time--finding a responsible home for the cat can't be done overnight. It will be easier if you have the cat vaccinated and spayed or neutered first.
Advertise: The best home would be with friends or family members whom you trust. If their homes are already full, expand you search to you work place, church or school. Ask if anyone know of someone who is looking for a cat. Post notices on bulletin boards near lunchrooms, in veterinary clinics, pet supply stores and grocery/convenience stores. Your notices should be neat, specific, eye-catching and uncluttered. A photo of the cat along with a catch phrase such as “this cat wants you”, will attract attention. Provide the cat's name, color, age sex, neuter status and loveable characteristics. Include your name and phone number and best time to call; giving only a phone number allows you to screen callers before scheduling appointments.
Newspaper ads in daily papers, shopping guides, and neighborhood weeklies can be effective. Keep your ad brief, yet informative. Do not use “Free Kitten” or” Free Cat” ads, as they often attract irresponsible or undesirable pet owners; those unable to provide routine veterinary care for the cat, those who would sell the cat to a research facility, those who would use the cat in training dogs for fighting, or those who feed kittens to pet snakes. A fee of $25.00 or more will help discourage these types of inquiries. Your offer to provide basic initial vaccinations and neuter may cost you a few dollars, but the investment is well worth it for the cat, and for your own peace of mind.
Interview: The potential adopter's response to the following questions over the phone will help determine if you wish to set up an appointment for the person to meet the cat. Do you currently have a cat?, If yes, why do you want another cat? If no, have you ever had a cat before? If yes, what happened to it? What other pets do you have, when were your present pets last vaccinated? When were your present pets neutered? Do you know it could take one or more months for all pets to adjust? What do the other members of you family think about getting a cat? Do you rent or own? How does your landlord feel about you having pets? Do you have children? If yes, what ages are they and have they ever been around cats?
If you feel comfortable with the answers to these questions, make an appointment ( set a specific time) for the prospective owners to meet the cat. At that time, observe how all of the family members interact with the cat, especially children. Do they demonstrate respect toward the cat, making a gentle self-introduction by allowing the cat to take the initiative for touching? Trust your intuition- remember not to feel obligated to adopt the cat to the first family or person you interview.
The prospective adopter will want to know all about the cat. Tell them everything you've learned about the cat in your short time together. Clearly state any conditions you may require of a potential adopter (indoors only, no declawing, neutering, etc.)
Adopt. A written agreement is common at most animal shelters and it may also work well for you. Include all conditions you want the adopter to meet in this agreement, a description of the cat, the cate, amount paid for the cat, and your signature and that of the adopter. Let the potential adopters know you value the cat; and if the situation doesn't work out for the cat or the people after a period of time (suggest a four-week adjustment period), let them know that they can return the cat to you. You may want to check their I.D. for current address and take their home and work phone numbers. Maintain contact with the new adopters to assure yourself that you have found the best possible home for the cat. After you complete the entire process, you will be better prepared for the next homeless cat that finds you.
If you cannot find a home for the cat: If you have tried all possible means of finding a home for the cat, but cannot, please take the cat to your local humane society or county shelter. They will hold the cat for several days to allow the owner to claim it, or for it to find a new home. If the owner does not claim it or it is not adopted, the animal will be euthanized. “Euthanasia” literally means “good death”. Euthanasia is always more humane and preferable to releasing the animal outside to “fend for itself,” or personally killing the animal.
It is unfortunate that there are not enough homes for all animals. Do your part to help stop the tragedy of unwanted animals: Spay and neuter your pets, and encourage your friend and relatives to do the same.
Indiana Law states that it is Illegal to abandon or neglect an animal. Violators face up to 180 days in jail and a $1,000 fine. It is also Illegal to injure or kill an animal. Violators face up to one year in jail and a $5,000 fine. If the offender has a previous conviction, he faces up to 3 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.
Indiana Code 35-46-3: Chapter 3. Offenses Relating to Animals. IC 35-46-3-7: Sec.7. A person having a vertebrate animal in the person's custody who recklessly, knowingly, or intentionally abandons or neglect the animal commits cruelty to an animal, a Class B misdemeanor.
IC35-46-3-12.Sec.12 A person who knowingly or intentionally tortures, beats or mutilates a vertebrate animal commits cruelty to an animal, a Class A misdemeanor. However the offense is a Class D felony if the person has a previous, unrelated conviction under this section.
Area Veterinarians
- All Creature Features, La Porte 219-393-3558
- Animal Clinic of Michigan City, 219-879-0249
- Animal Urgent Care, Crown Point: (219) 310-8315
- Arbor View Animal Hospital, Valparaiso, 219-762-7267
- Ark of the Dunes Animal Hospital, Chesterton, 219-926-9797
- Coyne Veterinary Center, Crown Point 219-267-1700
- Coyne Veterinary Center Portage, 219-763-3311
- Crossroads Animal Hospital, Crown Point, (219) 319-0679
- Dr. McPherson, Crown Point, 219-661-8045
- Emergency Vet Care Center, Westville, 219-785-7300
- Four Seasons Animal Hospital, Crown Point 219-663-8387
- Gast Veterinary Hospital, Valparaiso, 219-759-7387
- Hero Pet Animal Hospital, Westville, 219-515-4376
- Hobart Animal Hospital, 219-942-4442
- Lake Station Pet Clinic, 219-962-8565
- La Porte Animal Hospital, 219-362-2612
- Maple City Animal Hospital, La Porte, 219-324-0055
- Michigan City Animal Hospital, 219-872-4191
- McAfee Animal Hospital, Valparaiso, 219-462-5901
- Morthland Animal Clinic, Valparaiso, 219-462-5599
- New Carlisle Animal Hospital, 219-654-3129
- Vale Park Animal Hospital, Valparaiso, 219-462-5785
- Valparaiso Animal Hospital, 219-462-1862
- Westchester Animal Clinic, Porter 219-926-1194
Animal Shelters, Sanctuaries & Spay-Neuter Services
Search for shelters and rescues in your area at PetFinder
Map of No-Kill Shelters by region
For people needing help with feral/community cats (trapping, spay/neuter), email ICSTNR2018@gmail.comClick here for additional resources and links in a downloadable PDF.
Felines, Inc. P.O. Box 60616, Chicago, IL 60660, 773-465-4132, fax773-465-6454, www.felinesinc.orgHarmony House for Cats, 3809 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago, IL 60618, 773-463-6667, www.hhforcats.org
Low-Cost Spay Neuter Options:
Please click here to learn more about our Assisted Spay/Neuter Voucher progam.
Other Low-Cost Options:
Indiana Options:
ABC Clinic: www.petrefugeabcclinic.com or (574) 291-7729 (South Bend)
Anderson Feline Population Reduction Center—LaPorte
Phone: 219-861-2006, Email: Cat_s-n_@hotmail.com
Animal Urgent Care Crown Point: WEDNESDAYS ONLY FOR S/N: (219) 310-8315 https://animalurgentcarenwi.com/low-cost-spay-neuter-crown-point-in/
Fried's TNR Clinic: 219-252-2872 friedstnr@gmail.com : please call or email for help with spaying/neutering of free-roaming, feral or colony cats *NOT PETS*
Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic, Inc.: 317-675-0072 or www.lowcostspayneuterindiana.org
Transport available from Hobart Humane Society, 1st & 3rd Thursdays of the month. By appointment only. (See flyer below)
Neuter Scooter Mobile Cat Spay & Neuter Clinic: www.neuterscooter.com
Pet Neutering and Adoption: 219-987-7297 (DeMotte)
Public Vet: https://pub.vet
Spay Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP):https://petfriendlyservices.org/spay-neuter-services/spay-neuter-assistance-program-snap/
Anti-Cruelty Society: www.anticruelty.org or (312) 644-8338 (Chicago)
NAWS: www.nawsus.org or (708) 478-5102 (Mokena)
PAWS Chicago: The Lurie Spay/Neuter Clinic or mobile unit, www.pawschicago.org or (773) 521-7729 (Chicago)
South Suburban Humane Society: 708-755-7387 (Chicago Heights) www.southsuburbanhumanesociety.org
Low Cost Spay/Neuter, call (708) 755-1110
Low Cost Vet Care: www.southsuburbanvet.com (708) 320-0977