What is the Independent Cat Society TNR Project?
- ICS is a Trap, Neuter, & Return group.
- Our Trap, Neuter, & Return squad has "fixed" more than 2,000 cats since May of 2007.
- We do not take in cats or kittens for relocation or rehoming.
- We are always looking for more volunteers to help us help the cats.
- Fees are determined on a per-client basis.
We concentrate mainly in La Porte and Porter counties. All cats we help are feral, free-roaming or stray. Our resources are not for pets. If you have a pet in need, reach out to the shelter at info@catsociety.org.
Please note that ICS TNR does not take small kittens for adoption or relocate cats; they are always returned back to the location they were trapped, but we can offer advice on those subjects.
All cats that go through our program will receive a mandatory left ear tip that means a 1/4 inch of the tip of the left ear will be snipped off. The ear tip will show the public the cat has been vetted and there is no need to be trapped again, this is non-negotiable. Depending on the clinic, the minimum age and weight of kittens to be TNR'd will vary, usually around 4 months old. We do not spay nursing moms if at all possible.
We work with just a few clinics and sometimes appointments are few and far between. We request your patience as well as your help with trapping, transporting, housing, and donations. We have different stipulations at each clinic, including sex of the cat, age, weight, injuries or ailments and how many we can bring. Please reach out and we will do our best to help you.
What is TNR?
- TNR stands for Trap, Neuter, & Return.
- TNR is the most humane solution to reducing the population of feral, stray, and community cats.
- TNR improves the lives of feral, free-roaming, and community cats.
- Cats are trapped using humane animal traps.
- Cats are seen and treated by a veterinarian.
- Cats are then returned to the wild.
What is "left ear tipping"?
- Universal sign of an altered (fixed) feral cat.
- 1/4-inch of the tip of the left ear of the cat is removed in a straight-line cut.
- Ear tips are readily visible from a distance, helping caretakers, trappers, and animal control staff easily identify a cat as spayed or neutered.
- Procedure is performed under sterile condition, under anesthesia, is relatively painless, involves very little to no bleeding, and does not significantly alter the cat's appearance.
- Is the safest and most effective method of identification.
Contact Information:
If you have any questions about our TNR efforts, caring for feral cats in your neighborhood, National Feral Cat Day on October 16, learning more about our project, volunteering to become directly involved, or donating to our program, please contact Jodi or Bernie at:
- ICS/TNR Project Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ICSTNRProject/
- ICS/TNR Project email address: icstnr2018@gmail.com
- ICS/TNR Project phone: 219-785-4936
Additional Resources:
If you are interested in shelters for your cats, visit http://www.alleycat.org/page.aspx?pid=293 for information on colony care and creating a shelter for cats you care for.